Samsung has launched its newest Galaxy Note 7. The device is similar to the Galaxy S7 Edge, but it comes with an increasingly sophisticated S-Pen offering many interesting features and capabilities. One of them is Samsung Cloud.
Well, the surprise given to users of Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge. The reason, in the July security patch update that weighs about 152 MB, this South Korean company complements the features of Samsung Cloud, improve the performance of NFC, Bluetooth, and GPS.
Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge became the first smartphone that can use the greatness of Samsung Cloud after Galaxy Note 7. This feature allows you to backup, sync and restore all existing data on the smartphone.
Samsung Cloud supports the uninterrupted experience of device usage by providing easy backup and transfer of content, including contacts, documents, photos, videos, app data, settings, accounts, and more. For those of you Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge users in Indonesia are you getting updates? If not, please be patient. As regular OTA updates may need to wait a while.
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